Healthy Fried Rice. This tastes as good as any restaurant version but is healthy and. Elizabeth Rider's Healthy Fried Rice Recipe is a delicious and healthy twist on a typically unhealthy Traditional fried rice starts with white rice and tons of unhealthy oil. Add the carrots and broccoli, and sauté until tender.
As far as fried rice recipes go, this veggie-filled dish is one of the healthiest options.
Cut down on rice and focus on vegetables, including zucchini, carrots, broccoli, and mushrooms.
Make a simple supper everyone will enjoy with our healthy fried rice recipes.
You can have Healthy Fried Rice using 9 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Healthy Fried Rice
- Prepare of Nasi merah.
- You need 1/2 buah of Tomat (potong2).
- It's 1 helai of daun bawang (potong2).
- Prepare 1 buah of terong.
- You need of Daging tanpa lemak (secukupnya).
- You need 1 of putih telur.
- Prepare of Garam.
- Prepare of Lada.
- You need 2 of bawang putih (potong potong).
Add egg and mix until rice is thoroughly coated with egg. This Healthy Fried Rice Recipe is packed with chicken, veggies and brown rice. Full of flavor + so delicious - just like takeout chicken fried rice at home! This healthy vegan cauliflower fried rice is easy, healthy, filling and delicious!
Healthy Fried Rice step by step
- Belah terong menjadi 2, berikan sedikit garam dan lada pada bagian dalamnya.
- Panggang terong di teflon sampai empuk.
- Tumis bahan2 lainnya seperti memasak nasi goreng, tambahkan garam dan lada..
- Sajikan nasi goreng di atas permukaan terong yang telah dipanggang🙂.
If you're craving fried rice, this is the perfect, healthy, vegan alternative to the classic Asian dish. Fried rice that is loaded with sweet pineapple, ham and veggies that is so much better than take out! · This healthy fried rice recipe is loaded with vegetables and made with whole grain brown rice. An amazingly healthy twist on takeout fried rice but you can't even tell the difference. Well, throughout the diet, this Healthy Low Calorie Fried Rice recipe has been one of my go-to meals. So this egg fried rice recipe.