POPCORN CARAMEL LATTE/ CEMILAN POPCORN ALA XX1. Cara membuat POPCORN CARAMEL yang mudah dan sedap Daftar Isi: Resep Popcorn Manis Caramel Ala XXI. Sebelum lebih jauh, diinformasikan bahwa kamu harus pakai jagung khusus popcorn ya.
DIRECTIONS Prepare popcorn and set aside.
You wont believe it until you make these Caramel Popcorn's yourself, so easy and so simple. #HappyCookingToYou.
Directions: In pot,add oil,butter and let it melt,add popcorn kernels and mix well.
You can have POPCORN CARAMEL LATTE/ CEMILAN POPCORN ALA XX1 using 15 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.
- Prepare 2 bungkus of leo corn instant.
- You need of Saus caramel latte:.
- It's 2 sdm of margarin.
- It's 4 sdm of gula pasir.
- It's 2 sdm of madu.
- You need 2 sdm of susu rasa vanilla latte (me pakai entrasol active).
- It's 1/4 gelas of air.
- You need Sedikit of garam (seujung sendok saja).
- You need of Saus caramel :.
- It's 2 sdm of margarin.
- You need 2 sdm of gula pasir.
- It's 2 sdm of gula merah.
- Prepare 2 sdm of susu kental manis.
- It's Sedikit of garam (seujung sendok saja).
- Prepare 1/4 gelas of air.
Cover and let them pop and shake pan in between. Make your own Caramel Popcorn without the use of high fructose corn syrup. It is super easy to make and is perfect any time of the year! TIPS : - Masak caramel nya sampe coklat biar warnanya coklat mirip kyk di sono - Kl mau ada asin nya ganti margarin nya jadi salted.
- Siapkan wajan, masukkan leocorn, tutup wajan dan nyalakan api lalu masak dengan api sedang, setelah mendengar letupan kecilkan api agar popcorn tidak gosong. Tunggu sampai letupan berhenti. Angkat popcorn dan masukkan kedalam toples, bagi 3 popcorn, tutup agar tidak lempam..
- Saus caramel latte : panaskan margarin, lalu masukkan gula pasir, beri sedikit air, buat caramel. Lalu masukkan madu aduk sampai air agak menyusut. Tambahkan susu bubuk sambil diaduk, beri sedikit garam. Masak sampai caramel mengental. Masukkan popcorn yang telah dibagi 3. Aduk cepat hingga tidak ada yang menggunpai, aduk sampai merata.y.
- Saus caramel : panaskan margarin, lalu masukkan gula pasir dan gula merah, beri sedikit air, buat caramel. Lalu masukkan susu kental manis, beri sedikit garam. Masak sampai caramel mengental. Masukkan popcorn yang telah dibagi 3. Aduk cepat hingga tidak ada yang menggumpai, aduk sampai merata..
- Sajikan popcorn 😍.
You can find packaged caramel popcorn at lots of retail stores, but the real deal is HOMEMADE popcorn made in your own kitchen. I love making caramel popcorn and packaging it up for friends, family, or neighbors! It makes such a cute gift when it's wrapped up in a little bag or container. Pour the caramel over the popcorn and toss well with the oiled spatulas. Once hard and cold, break into bite-size pieces and store in an airtight container until ready to serve.