Granola snack bar 🌾🍫. Granola Bars are a combination of granola and other ingredients pressed together in a bar shape. Granola consists of oats, nuts, honey, and sometimes rice. Other common ingredients that make up granola bars include chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, and even marshmallows.
A wide variety of nut granola bar snack machine options are available to you, such as local service location, key selling points, and applicable industries.
If you're like me, then granola bars are a staple part of your diet.
They work perfect for a snack when your caught waiting for your next meal.
You can cook Granola snack bar 🌾🍫 using 9 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Granola snack bar 🌾🍫
- You need 500 gr of granola.
- You need 75 gr of quaker oat.
- It's 6 sdm of gula aren.
- Prepare 4 sdm of madu.
- It's 1/2 sdt of kayu manis.
- Prepare 4 sdm of minyak sayur.
- It's of Topping coklat.
- Prepare 150 gr of dcc.
- Prepare 1 sdm of mentega.
You want this snack to be healthy, and trust me, so do I. So here's some healthy granola bars that your going to want to add to your grocery list. Watch Us Make Homemade Granola Bars. We have a history with granola bars.
Granola snack bar 🌾🍫 step by step
- Campur granola dan quaker oat. Sangrai agar renyah dankering dg api kecil.
- Buat caramel dr campuran minyak sayur gula aren madu dan kayu manis dg api kecil. Matikan api jk gula sudah larut dan caramel mengental.
- Masukkan campuran granola dan quaker oat. Aduk rata.. Tuang dlm wadah tahan panas.
- Oven pada suhu 180 derajat selama 15 menit (oven sudah dlm keadaan panas). Sambi menunggu lelekan (double steam) dcc beri mentega agar coklat lebih cair dan mengkilat..
- Kluarkan granola dr oven, tuang dan ratakan coklat di atasnya. Setelah agak dingin masukkan dlm kulkas min 1 jam. Potong sesuai selera.
A while back, we shared a cooking failure. Just make sure they are tightly covered or sealed in a container. Granola bars are so easy to love—pleasantly crumbly or chewy-fudgy, studded virtuously with dried fruit and toasty oats or less virtuously (but maybe more joyfully) with chocolate chips. Energy Bars Granola Bars Kids' Snacks Healthy Snack DIY Easy. Healthy snacks are absolutely possible, but even the least processed granola bar at the grocery store can't come close to the flavor and texture of homemade.