Recipe: Yummy Potato Au Gratin

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Potato Au Gratin. TESTED & PERFECTED RECIPE - Potatoes Au Gratin is the ultimate comfort food with sliced potatoes, heavy cream & grated cheese. Potatoes au Gratin - forget scalloped potatoes, THIS is the creme de la creme of all potato recipes!! Also known as Dauphinoise Potatoes, this French classic is made with layers upon layers of finely.

Potato Au Gratin Potatoes au gratin is layers of thinly sliced spuds together with a creamy sauce and melted cheese. A rich bechamel sauce that is thickened with a roux is spread between the potatoes which creates a. This potato gratin recipe is the perfect side dish for any type of meal, whether its weeknight dinners or holiday meals! You can cook Potato Au Gratin using 12 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Potato Au Gratin

  1. It's 3 buah of kentang.
  2. Prepare 1 buah of bawang bombay.
  3. Prepare 1 buah of jagung,di iris/di pipil.
  4. It's of Saus bechamel.
  5. Prepare 1,5 sdm of margarine.
  6. Prepare 1 siung of bawang putih.
  7. Prepare 2 sdm munjung of terigu.
  8. You need 300 ml of susu cair.
  9. It's 125 ml of air kaldu=1 sdt peres kaldu ayam bubuk + 125ml air hangat.
  10. Prepare of Bahan taburan.
  11. You need 50 gr of keju parut.
  12. It's Secukupnya of oregano.

This cheesy Potatoes Au Gratin recipe beats all other potato side dishes out there. Here's the best way to cook homemade au gratin potatoes at home before your holiday meal. This easy Potatoes Au Gratin recipe is made with thinly sliced potatoes, a creamy cheese sauce, and topped with sharp cheddar cheese. Potatoes Au Gratin are a dinnertime staple around here!

Potato Au Gratin step by step

  1. Siapkan bahan - bahan,belah kentang jadi 2 lalu rebus.
  2. Suas bechamel : Lelehkan margarine,lalu tumis bawang putih sampai harum,setelah itu masukan terigu,aduk cepat jgn sampai bergerindil,lalu masukan susu sedikit2 aduk rata dan larut,terakhir masukan kaldu,aduk rata lalu masak sampai kental dan mendidih,matikan kompor.
  3. Siapkan pinggan tahan panas,oles dgn margarine,lalu oles dgn sedikit saus bechamel lalu tata kentang,bombay,jagung,lakukan berulang sampai bahan habis,dibagian atas tutup dengan sisa saus lalu taburi dengan keju dan oregano.
  4. Panaskan oven sekitar 10 menit,lalu masukan pinggan yg sudah di tata bahan2nya,panggang sekitar 30-45 menit,atau sampai matang,tergantung oven masing2 ya.
  5. Jika sudah matang,keluarkan dari oven,dan siap disantap.

Tender potato and onion slices smothered in a quick cheesy sauce and baked until golden. This is one of our favorite easy side dish recipes. Potatoes Au Gratin is a French classic recipe, perfect served in colder weather as a side dish. It has a delicious, fondant base made with thinly sliced potatoes, covered in cream. Classic potatoes au gratin are everything a holiday dish is supposed to be—elegant, rich, luxurious, extraordinary—and this particular au gratin recipe is the best of the best.