Mashed Potato Cheese. Cheesy potato pancakes recipe - the best way to use up leftover mashed potatoes! Mashed Potato Pancakes are crispy outside and loaded with melty cheese! Cream cheese makes these mashed potatoes extra rich and creamy.
A favorite side dish that can be made ahead of time and reheated just before dinner.
The flavor of these cream cheese mashed potatoes is downright perfect!
No seasonings needed thanks to cooking them in savory chicken broth and creaming them with real butter, cream cheese.
You can cook Mashed Potato Cheese using 10 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Mashed Potato Cheese
- Prepare 4 buah of kentang ukuran sedang.
- You need 75 ml of Dairy Whipped Cream.
- You need 100 g of Keju Cheddar.
- You need 1 sdm of keju edam parut.
- You need 1 sdm of unsalted butter.
- You need 1 sdm of margarin.
- It's of Bahan pelengkap:.
- It's Secukupnya of lada hitam mix lada putih dalam pepper grinder mill.
- Prepare Secukupnya of taburan garam / boleh skip krn keju sudah asin yaa..
- It's Secukupnya of daun parsley cincang.
Try this deluxe cheese mashed potato recipe. With cream cheese, cheddar cheese, and sour cream, this decadent dish is sure to be a hit. Learn how to make loaded cheesy Stuffed Mashed Potato Balls. Easy to make, crispy and cheesy snack.
Mashed Potato Cheese step by step
- Potong2 kentang kemudian kukus hingga matang.
- Siapkan bahan lainnya sambil menunggu kentangnya mateng.
- Setelah kentang empuk, tumbuk/hancurkan kentang hingga benar-benar halus. Ini umi pakai cobek..
- Panaskan frypan, bubuhi margarin, biarkan margarin mencair lalu masukkan kentang, aduk-aduk..
- Tuang Whipped Cream sambil terus diaduk. Masukkan butter, beri parutan keju dan keju edam. Masak hingga semua bahan menyatu..
- Putar2 papper grinder mill berisi mix merica hitam dan putih, bubuhi juga parsley cincang. Cicipi, jika kurang gurih bisa tambahkan garam. Aduk rata lalu angkat. Hidangkan😊👌.
Somewhere between buttery mashed potatoes and pure melted cheese lies aligot, the comforting, cheese-enhanced mashed-potato dish from central France. The key to getting a smooth, airy texture. They're as much a part of Thanksgiving dinner as pecan pie and Uncle Festus. Drain the potatoes and garlic and process them together through a food mill fitted with the coarsest blade set on top of a bowl. All leftover mashed potatoes will vary in consistency depending on how much cream, milk or melted butter you added to the original batch.