How to Prepare Delicious Ayam Taliwang sederhana

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Ayam Taliwang sederhana.

Ayam Taliwang sederhana You can have Ayam Taliwang sederhana using 17 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Ayam Taliwang sederhana

  1. You need 1 kg of ayam potong cuci bersih.
  2. You need 1 lt of air.
  3. You need 1 sdm of margarin.
  4. Prepare of Bumbu digeprek:.
  5. Prepare 1 ruas of lengkuas.
  6. It's 2 batang of daun sereh.
  7. Prepare of Bumbu halus:.
  8. You need 4 ruas of kencur.
  9. Prepare 7 of bawang merah.
  10. Prepare 7 of bawang putih.
  11. You need 1 bungkus of Terasi kecil.
  12. It's 1 sdt of Cabe bubuk(saya tidak punya rawit mentah).
  13. Prepare 1 sdt of garam.
  14. It's 1/2 sdt of lada gula kaldu bubuk.
  15. You need of Tambahan:.
  16. It's 1 sdt of saos tiram.
  17. It's 1 sdt of kecap manis.

Ayam Taliwang sederhana instructions

  1. Tumis bumbu halus dan bumbu yg digeprek dg margarin sampai harum.
  2. Tambahkan air sampai mendidih. Lalu masukkan ayam. Tambahkan bumbu tambahan. Tunggu sampai air menyusut. Aduk sesekali.